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Watch this space for information on upcoming talks. Hannah was due to be at the Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence Conference in Oxford April 2020, but online talks have taken over.
2020 The Human in the Room: Relationships and interactions between humans and elephants in behavioural ecology studies. Invited talk at the Composing Worlds With Elephants Conference
2020 Christopher Barnard Award Plenary. Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Winter Meeting
2020 Ground shakers, fence breakers and ivory makers: Applications of behavioural ecology to conservation. Seminar at University of Swansea, UK and University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2019 Tusk size, social networks and genetic relatedness: How understanding being an elephant can contribute to conservation. Symposium at the International Congress for Conservation Biology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2019 Life in the herd: Leadership learning and sociality of elephants. Invited seminar at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin as part of the Female Leadership Workshop
2018 The puzzle of elephants. Invited seminar at Anglia Ruskin University, UK
2018 The ties that bind: genetic and social relationships between elephants in the Associated Private Nature Reserves. Savanna Science Network Meeting, Kruger National Park, South Africa
2017 Life history and behavioural ecology of elephants: From testing theory to applications. Invited seminar at Colorado State University, USA
2017 Ground shakers, fence breakers and ivory makers: How much do we really know about elephant life and what can it contribute to conservation? Invited Seminar, Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Studies, Berlin.
2016 Reproductive and social strategies of elephants. Invited seminars at the University of Zürich, Switzerland and University of Konstanz, Germany.
2016 The ecology and life history of Asian elephants: Lessons for management and conservation. Invited speaker, Illegal Wildlife Trade Colloquium, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa.
2016 The lives of elephants: The life history and ecology of Asian and African elephants. Invited seminars at the Stokes Society, Pembroke College, Cambridge and the Royal Veterinary College, London
2016 Uses of technology in managing and studying elephants. Invited conference paper at Traps: Technological mediation of human-animal encounter, University of Cambridge, UK.
2016 From humans to elephants. Invited seminar, Colorado State University, USA.
2016 Being an elephant – what can evolutionary and behavioural ecology bring to the study of a flagship species? Invited talk at University of Kent, UK.
2015 Breaking the wall of human-elephant relations. Falling Walls Lab Groningen, Netherlands.
2015 Long-Term Survival and Reproduction Consequences of Birth Conditions in Asian Elephants. International Wildlife Management Congress, Sapporo, Japan.
2015 When is an elephant human? Invited seminar, University of Sheffield Natural History Society.
2015 Long-term survival and reproduction consequences of birth conditions in Asian elephants. Invited talk, Capacity Building Workshop for Zoo and Elephant Veterinarians, Naypyidaw, Myanmar.
2014 Timber elephants: logging, survival and reproduction in the forests of Myanmar. Invited seminar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Part of the "Care and Captivity" programme.
2014 How environment and stress shape Asian elephant demography. Invited seminar, Yorkshire Mammal Group, York, UK.
2014 Effects of climate and stress on Asian elephant mortality and fertility. Invited Seminar, Rufford Grantees Conference, Yangon, Myanmar.
2013 Ecology and demography of Asian elephants: effects of climate, workload and stress on Myanmar's timber elephants. Invited seminar, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK.
2013 Effects of climatic conditions on survival of Asian elephants. International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin, Germany.
2013 Life history and reproduction of elephants. Invited seminar, Department of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology University of São Paulo, Brazil.
2012 Environmental stress in Asian elephants. Asian Society for Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Satellite Symposium, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
2012 Decoupling survival and reproductive senescence in Asian elephants. AXA Workshop on Aging and Longevity, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany.
2011 Stress, growth and reproduction in Asian elephants. Evolutionary Demography meeting, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany.
2011 Early life climatic conditions and survival in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). European Society for Evolutionary Biology Conference, Tübingen, Germany.
2011 Reproduction in a seasonally fluctuating climate: How climatic conditions affect still-birth rate and infant mortality in Asian elephants. Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Easter Conference, Anglia Ruskin University, UK.
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