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Hannah's up-to-date publications and citations are listed here.
*Denotes student, research assistant, post-doc or other team member.
Published *Lab member
35. Phalke S.*, Sarabian C.*, Hughes A.C. & Mumby H.S.
“Decoding ambiguity”: Asian elephants’(Elephas maximus) use previous experiences and sensory information to make decisions regarding ambiguity.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2025 283:106525. Open access.
33. Lee T.H., Dang X., Mumby H.S., Xiao S., Chung S.C. & Thiyagarajan V.
Winter mortality syndrome in Hong Kong oyster (Crassostrea hongkongensis): Causes and impacts.
Aquaculture. 2024 15;591:741139.
34. Tilley H.B.*, Murphy D.*, Wierucka K.*,Wong T.C.*, Surreault-Châble A.* & Mumby H.S.
Physical activity and temperature changes of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) participating in eco-tourism activities and elephant polo.
PloS one. 2024 19 (5), e0300373. Open access.
33. Wang Y.*, Dufour P., Yeung K.*, Lo S.*, Dingle C., Bonebrake T. & Mumby H.S.
Sustainability of medicinal animal products: knowledge and trade of tokay gecko and pangolin scale in Hong Kong.
Integrative Conservation, 2024. Open access.
32. Mumby H.S. (Book chapter) Widening the lens: relationships and interactions between humans and elephants in behavioural ecology studies. In Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary Dialogues. Keil P, Lainé N & Rahmat K (Eds.), 2023 IRD Paris, France.
31. Chen Y.*, Wang Y.* & Mumby H..S.
Five years of the ivory ban in China: Developments, limitations, and potential for improvement.
Biological Conservation, 2023 284, 110177.
30. Wierucka K.*, Hatten C.E., Murphy D.*, Allcock J.A., Andersson A.A., Bojan J.W., Kong T.C., Kwok J.K., Lam J.Y.K., Ma C.H.*, Phalke S.*, Tilley H.B.*, Wang R.S., Wang .Y*, Webster S., Mumby H.S. & Dingle C.
Human-Wildlife Interactions in Urban Asia.
Global Ecology and Conservation, 2023 e02596. Open access.
29. Wang Y.*, Tilley H.B.*, Phalke S.*, Andersson A.A., Dingle C., Hatten C.E.R., Leung E.Y.M., Murphy D.*, Wierucka K.* & Mumby H.S.
Discussion of wildlife trade before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in professional opinion pieces and scientific articles
Global Ecology and Conservation, 2022. 38. Open access.
28. Ching P.C.*, Wiercuka K.*, Murphy D.*, Tilley H.B.* & Mumby H.S.
Human interventions in a behavioural experiment for Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus).
Animal Cognition, 2022.
27. Wang Y.* & Mumby H.S.
Differences in reporting human-wild boar interactions in Chinese and English news media.
Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2022. 1-16.
26. Jucker T., Amano T., Bell A., Garnett E.E., Geffert J.L., Guth M.K., Hacket-Pain A., Luke S.H., Mumby H.S., Nunes M., Rademacher T., Rose D.C., Scheichler J., Simmons B.I., Zabala A. & Mukherjee N.
Steps to diversify priority-setting research in conservation: reflections on de Gracia 2021.
Conservation Biology, 2021.
25. Murphy D*, Wittemyer G, Henley MD & Mumby HS.
Detecting community structure in wild populations: a simulation study based on male elephant (Loxodonta africana) data
Animal Behaviour, 2021. 174: 127-148
24. Wierucka K.*, Henley M.D. & Mumby H.S.
Acoustic cues provide a basis for individual recognition in male African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana).
PeerJ, 2021. 9:e10736 Open access.
23. Mumby H.S.
Book: Elephants: Birth, death and family in the lives of the giants
Harper Collins, London and New York City, 2020.
22. Geldman J. et al.
Directions and insights from two decades of the Student Conference on Conservation Science.
Biological Conservation, 2020.
21. Nowak K., Lee P.C., Marino J., Mkono M., Mumby H.S., Dobson A., Harvey R., Lindsay K., Lusseau D., Sillero-Zubiri C., & 71 signatories. Trophy hunting: Bans create opening for change.
Science, 2019.
20. Mumby H.S.
Mahout perspectives on Asian elephants and their living conditions.
Animals, 2019. Open Access.
19. Santos T.L.*, Fernandes C., Henley M.D., Dawson D., & Mumby H.S.
Conservation genetic assessment of savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Greater Kruger Biosphere, South Africa.
Genes, 2019. 10, 779. Open Access.
18. Murphy D.*, Mumby H.S. & Henley M.D.
Age differences in the temporal stability in a male African elephant social network.
Behavioral Ecology, 2019. arz152
17. Plotnik, J.M., Brubaker D.L., Dale R., Tiller L.N., Mumby H.S., Clayton N.S.
Elephants have a nose for quantity.
PNAS, 2019.
16. Black C.E.*, Mumby H.S. & Henley M.D.
Mining morphometrics and age from past survey photographs.
Frontiers in Zoology, 2019. 16 Open Access.
15. Mumby H.S. & Plotnik J.M.
Taking the elephants' perspective: Remembering elephant behaviour, cognition and ecology in human-elephant conflict mitigation.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2018. 6(122). Open Access.
14. Jucker T., Wintle B., Shackelford G., Bocquillon P., Geffert J.L., Kasoar T., Kovacs E. Mumby H.S. et al.
Ten-year assessment of the 100 priority questions for global biodiversity conservation.
Conservation Biology, 2018.
13. Morris-Drake A.* and Mumby H.S.
Social associations and vocal communication in wild and captive male savannah elephants Loxodonta africana.
Mammal Review, 2018. 48(1):24-36
12. Young, J.C., & Rose, D.C., Mumby, H.S., Benitez-Capistros, F., Derrick, C., Finch, T. Garcia, C., Home, C., Marwaha, E., Morgans, C., Parkinson, S., Shah, J., Wilson, K. & Mukherjee, N. *Joint first authors
A methodological guide to using and reporting on interviews in conservation science research.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2017. 9(1):10-19.
11. Lynsdale C.L,, Mumby H.S., Hayward A.D., Mar K.U. & Lummaa V.
Parasite-associated mortality in a long-lived mammal: Variation with host age, sex and reproduction.
Ecology and Evolution, 2017. 7(24):10904-10915.
10. Crawley J.A.H.*, Mumby H.S., Chapman S.N., Lahdenperä, M., Mar K.U. & Lummaa V.
Is bigger better? The relationship between size and reproduction in female Asian elephants.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2017. 30(10):1836-1845.
9. Chapman S.N.*, Mumby H.S., Crawley J.A.H., Mar K.U., Htut W., Thura Soe A., Aung H.H. & Lummaa V.
How big is it really? Assessing the efficacy of indirect estimates of body size in Asian elephants.
PLOS ONE, 2016 11(3): e0150533. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0150533
8. Mumby H.S., Chapman S.N.*, Crawley J.A.H.*, Mar K.U., Htut W., Thura Soe A., Aung H.H. & Lummaa V.
Distinguishing between determinate and indeterminate growth in a long-lived mammal.
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2015 15:214. Open access.
7. Mumby, H.S., Mar, K.U., Hayward, A.D., Htut, W., Htut-Aung, Y. & Lummaa, V.
Elephants born in the high stress season have faster reproductive ageing
Scientific Reports, 2015 5:13946. Open access.
6. Mumby, H.S., Mar, K.U., Thitaram, C., Courtiol, A., Towiboon, P., Min-Oo, Z., Htut-Aung, Y., Brown, J.L. & Lummaa, V.
Stress and body condition are associated with demography of Asian elephants.
Conservation Physiology, 2015 3(1): cov030. Open access.
5. Mumby H.S., Courtiol A., Mar K.U. & Lummaa V.
Birth seasonality and calf mortality in a large population of Asian elephants.
Ecology and Evolution, 2013 3(11):3794-3803. Open access.
4. Mumby H.S., Courtiol A., Mar K.U. & Lummaa, V.
Climatic variation and age-specific survival in Asian elephants from Myanmar.
Ecology, 2013. 94(5) 1131-1141 pdf
3. Vinicius L. & Mumby H.S.
Comparative analysis of animal growth: A primate continuum revealed by a new dimensionless growth rate coefficient.
Evolution, 2013. 67(5) 1485-1492. pdf
2. Mumby H.S., Elks C.E., Li S., Sharp S.J., Khaw K-T. , Luben R.N., Wareham N.J. , Loos R.J.F. & Ong K.K.
Mendelian Randomisation Study of Childhood BMI and Early Menarche.
Journal of Obesity, 2011. Article ID 180729. pdf
1. Mumby H. and L. Vinicius,
Primate Growth in the Slow Lane: A Study of Inter-Species Variation in the Growth Constant A.
Evolutionary Biology, 2008. 35(4): p. 287-295. pdf
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